Friday, December 31, 2010


Today we started a bit later as we planned a trip to the Catacombs under Paris. They opened at 10 but the queues were long the other day, so we turned up early, as we do. This was a good thing. The line grew quickly and only 200 people are allowed in at a time. They are very ghoulish, but interesting. The bones are stacked so neatly and all labelled from the church graveyards they are from. There are also some very clever rock carvings done by some of the workers.
After the catacombs, we went to meet Jean-Louis and Marie-France for lunch opposite the Institute of the Arab World. This building is fascinating, modern and has a beautiful view of the back of Notre Dame. We had a lovely lunch then came back to do the washing before we leave for Italy tomorrow and then spent the evening at home with J-L and M-F. It was very pleasant and much calmer than the days we have had recently. We all toasted new year at 2pm, which was when it was new year in Sydney! We are too tired to stay up here and apparently there are no fire-works planned, they are saved for July 14th. So Happy New Year, everyone. I look forward to catching up with you all soon in 2011.

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